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Smooth things in a sentence

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Sentence count:15+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2021-05-10Updated:2021-05-10
Similar words: smoothingexponential smoothingtake the rough with the smoothsmoothiesmoothersmoothtoothingnothings
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1. The Chancellor is trying to smooth things over.
2. Would you like me to try to smooth things over between you and your parents?
3. You might expect politicians to smooth things out when civil servants are being dilatory.
4. Later, I tried to smooth things over, but he wasn't interested.
5. I thought maybe I should help smooth things over.
6. I'll try to smooth things over.
7. He mad a great effort to smooth things over.
7. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
8. This quest to smooth things over peacefully failed.
9. He was asked to smooth things over between them.
10. A bit of spot putty to smooth things over and then I sanded It'smooth.
11. Xiangzi wished to smooth things over and greet her as usual , but found he really couldn't.
12. Now it was too late to smooth things over, even if he wanted to.
13. She spoke to both sides in the dispute in an attempt to smooth things over.
14. Tomorrow he would send a gift - one of the new range of creatures, perhaps - to smooth things over.
15. A partner will likely come to the rescue by Saturday, and help you smooth things out.
More similar words: smoothingexponential smoothingtake the rough with the smoothsmoothiesmoothersmoothtoothingnothingssmoothysmoothedsmoothensoothingunsmoothsmooth outsmoothlysmooth downunsmoothedsmooth awaysmoothenedsoothinglysmoothnesssmoothboresmooth oversmooth-facedsweet nothingssmooth muscleclothing storeamong other thingsnothing short ofin smooth water
Total 15, 30 Per page  1/1 
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